Friday, April 25, 2008



Improves blood circulations
Regulate immunity
Enhance liver functions (detoxification)

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
Reduce inflammation
Relieve coughs
Calm nerves (relax tension, mental stress)

Cassia Tora L.
Improves visual functions
Promotes bowel movements
Moisten the lungs

Oolong Tea
Quench thirst
Relieve rigidity of muscles
Removes fatigue

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why you shouldn't smoke

Source: Training & Health Education Department, Ministry of Health

Has it been proven that cigarette smoking causes diseases?
Yes. All major health agencies accept that cigarette smoking is a major cause of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and heart disease.

Does it take many years of smoking to cause any damage?
No. Just one cigarette speeds up your heart rate, raises your blood pressure and upsets the flow of blood and air in your lungs. Nicotine in tobacco smoke is responsible for these as well as for paralyzing the tiny hair-like structures (cilia) which normally clean out the lung passages. Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke replaces oxygen in the bloodstream, thus depriving tissues of oxygen. this is why smokers are less fit than non-smokers. And all these temporary changes happen within a few minutes

How long does it take for smoking to cause permanent damage?
It takes only 15 to 20 years of heavy smoking (a pack or more daily) to develop the major smoking related diseases. Roughly one in 10 smokers will develop lung cancer; half will develop emphysema twice as many smokers will get heart disease as non-smokers and most smokers will suffer some degree of chronic bronchitis.

Are low-tar, low nicotine cigarettes safe?
No. They may be less dangerous than smoking high-tar, high nicotine cigarettes, but there is still no completely safe cigarette. it is safest not to smoke

Do filters reduce the danger of cigarette smoking?
Cigarette filters usually trap a substantial part of tar and nicotine but do not make the cigarette safe.

what effect does menthol have on cigarette smoke?
Menthol merely changes the taste of the smoke.

Will you get lung cancer if you smoke cigarettes but don't inhale?

there will be less risk than if you do inhale. studies show that lung cancer death rates increase with the amount of cigarette smoke inhaled.

Is it less dangerous to smoke a pipe or cigar instead of cigarettes?
Only as long as you don't inhale. many pipe and cigar smokers do not inhale the harsher pipe and cigar smoke. This alters the statistics and makers smoking pipes or cigar appear less dangerous.

Is it better to smoke roll-your-own cigarettes?
Roll-your-own tobacco is similar to other tobacco and has medium tar content.

Why do smokers get sick more often than non-smokers?
One reason is that smoking paralyzes the cilia that sweeps germs and dust out of your lungs. this makes smokers more susceptible to various kinds of infection. Statistics show that smokers have one third more illnesses than non-smokers.

What are the effects of smoking during pregnancy?
Pregnant women who smoke absorb gases like carbon monoxide into their bloodstream and these pass across the placenta into the baby's blood. This hinders normal growth causing miscarriages, still births and perinatal deaths. Babies born to smoking mothers weight an average of 170 grammes less at birth and are more fragile than those born to non-smoking women.

What is "passive" smoking?
Passive smoking is breathing in air which contains other people's tobacco smoke.

Its passive smoking harmful to non-smokers?
Yes. sidestream smoke from the burning end of the cigarette contains more tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide than the filtered mainstream smoke a smoker inhales. Many non-smokers experience eye, nose and throat irritation when exposed to sidestream smoke. Some may even experience giddiness and nausea or get a headache. Non-Smokers who work among smokers suffer increased "small airways disease" which causes breathing difficulty. More seriously. recent studies among married couples show and increased risk of lung cancer among non-smoking wives of smokers as compared with non-smoking wives of smokers.

Do non-smokers get lung cancer?

Yes, non-smokers do occasionally get lung cancer, sometimes inexplicably and sometimes as a result of occupational exposure eg. in asbestos mining. However, over 90 percent of lung cancers are caused by cigarette smoking

Does your body recover if you quit smoking?
Yes. Your body is always trying to return to a healthy state. Any damage that is being done to your body will state to reverse once you quit smoking. You may notice a variety of changes. You will feel more vigorous, you sense of smell will improve, you will breathe more easily and you smoker's cough will disappear. But it will take up to 10 years for the body of a heavy smoker to return to a normal healthy state.

Is it true that each cigarette you smoke shortens your life by 5 1/2 minutes?

Yes. It is shown that on average a heavy smoker may die 6 to 8 years earlier than a non-smoker. This works out to about 5 1/2 minutes per cigarette.

The BEST way to want to quit. Then you will find you own way to take control of your own body--- Your own life

Once you have decided to stop... just stop

Throw away all cigarettes and get rid of ashtrays and lighters

Avoid smokers and situation where you will be tempted to smoke.

drink water or fruit juices or eat a fruit when you have the urge to smoke.

Take up a hobby or exercise---it takes you mind off smoking and makes you feel better.

Get the support of your family and friends to help you stop.