Friday, March 26, 2010

Lingzhi (Ganoderma)

Ganoderma - the Mordern Generation's New Hope for Health

Immuno Modulation as the Key for Optimal Physical Well-being
and Testimonies
click on the pictures below for bigger view

Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder : As good as birds nest

Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder

Special Ingredients



please click on picture for bigger view

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Career Opportunity

Make Shuang hor Business  Your Chosen Career Winning for Yourself the 8 Major Fulfilments of Life

Q: A Countless number of ways to make money are available out there.
 Why should i make Shuang Hor Business my choice, then?

Click to enlarge picture

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lingzhi Ganoderma & Gangrene

Lingzhi able to help with gangrene problems

Greenzhi Testimony

Greenzhi Product
What is it?
It is a Toothgel/ toothpaste 

Article below relating to Dental health and Toothgel
Click on the pic to read more.

What are the ingredients of this Greenzhi?

Natural ingredients
Ganoderma Lucidium
Aloe Barbedensis
Natural Protection and  Foaming agent

It has multiple functions, besides brushing your teeth.
Click on pic for more details  and Testimony from a user

Monday, March 1, 2010

What is Pollen?

What is pollen?

Pollen is the male reproduction organ of a plant and plants live on with the pollinations by pollen with ovules. It thus proves that pollen is of high nutrient value

Pollination can be done through wind (mainly in Europe and America) or insects. Wind pollination can bring pollen diseases, thus is not suitable for consumption. Insect pollinated plants give better nutrient pollen and is safer. Bee is a typical insect that pollinates plants. Pollen is brought back to the hive mixed with floral honey and the bees’ saliva by the bee. It is the main nutriment for the bee.

Ingredients of Pollen

In order to keep human body function normally, there are five kinds of essential nutrients that men have to take daily. They are Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates.

However, it’s impossible for the human body to create Vitamins and Minerals by itself and it’s hard to take them in by eating a single food. Thus Pollen with various nutrients is a very good and convenient choice for modern men to keep our health. Reports by experts show that pollen contains 96 types of nutrient substance, inclusive of Amino Acid, Vitamins, Minerals,
Enzymes and Titanium. Therefore, Pollen is called a “perfect food.”

1. Amino Acid:
Pollen has great amount of protein and they are mostly those Essential Amino Acid needed by the human body, which can be easily and quickly absorbed by the human body.

2. Vitamins: Folic acid, Niacin, Biotin, Inositol, Vitamins A, C, D, E, M, B1, B2 and B6, etc., are available in Pollen and they are needed by the human body

Vitamins Effectiveness

activates nervous systems, curing constipation, prevents aging of skin.

livens body cells, helps growth, beautifies the skin, alter eyes, unsteady menstruation and mouth ulcer.

prevents vomits during pregnancy. When lacking, causes aging of skin, hyper-active nerve, sleeplessness, , nettle, measles and allergy to cosmetics.

effective for skin diseases, nervous problems and muscular ailments.

good for growth, skin and nervous systems, lungs, digestive systems and blood ailments.

effective for gum inflammation and bleeding of the teeth, beautifies the skin.

when lacking, stops excretion of skin fats and expedites aging.
Folic Acid when lacking, causes slowness in growth and intelligence development.

prevents sterility, effective for nervous and muscular ailments, beautifies skin and increases sexuality.

3. Minerals:
Pollen also contains Carbon, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Silicon, Sulfur, Iron, Copper, Sodium, Calcium and Titanium.

Minerals Effectiveness

regulates the heart and muscle, when lacking, causes weakness in muscle, blockages in stomach and intestines, show reaction and reflection of the nerves unbalance growth, high blood pressure and chronic tiredness.

Important to teeth and bone, indispensable nutriment to children and pregnant women, activates enzyme, prevents hyper-active nerves. When lacking, causes the blood-vessels to expand, too much blood in the brain and loss of concentration.

Important to teeth and bone, reduces blood acidity, vital to children and pregnant women..

producing red blood cells in the bones, combining iron to improve digestive abilities of stomach and intestines.

Indispensable element of erythrocyte for producing red blood cells, contains muscular hemoglobin that produces muscles.

Protects enamel and blood-vessels.

Important to teeth and bone, reduces blood acidity, vital to children and pregnant women.

Elements in hairs, converting sugar to energy, when combining with vitamins B1 and B2, it acts as enzymes when absorbing Phosphorus, Sulfur must be absorbed, too.

Improves excretion of stomach fluid.

4. Enzyme and coenzyme:
It contains more than 18 types of Enzyme, inclusive of Lecithin, DNA, RNA, the indispensable elements in the human body.

Miraculous effects of pollen

Pollen is collected by bees and made 100% active nutriment through hygienic processes. Therefore, it does not contain any added chemicals, additives or preservatives. That’s why pollen is the nature’s gift of nutriment, beauty and health.

Pollen does not act directly on the illnesses; it helps only the body cells to cure naturally the illnesses. Thus, it takes some time to feel its effects after one takes it continuously.

Slow in growth and learning

Children with slow wits and slow reflections can improve their intelligence and mathematical abilities by eating pollen. Dr. Shawn’s research shows that the growth inducing elements in pollen are effective for slow learning due to long period of illness.

Stomach and intestinal sickness

Pollen contains acid antibiotic substances, it has strong sterilization effect, able to adjust and reduce poisoning. It is very helpful in cases like intestinal ulcer and stomach hernia.

pic from

No excretion for days, no appetite, sleeplessness, tiredness and other body ailments can be remedied with pollen. It is also effective for diarrhea.

Chronic Prostatitis

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is the general term used to describe prostate inflammation (-itis). Because the term is so general, it does not adequately describe the range of abnormalities that can be associated with prostate inflammation. Therefore, four types of prostatitis are recognized.

It means difficult to urinate, muddy urine, little in amount, feel tired easily and affects sexual activity. It is very difficult to cure. In 1960, Doctor Moasku Mubbaluff of Wolpusara University and Nagasaki Medical University in Japan both reported that pollen had 80% curing rate.

Bad Appetite

If the stomach is not feeling well, having abnormal digestion and affects metabolism, pollen helps to correct digestive systems and improves appetite.


There is no effective medicine for colds. It can only be cured by the body system. Take pollen regularly can get rid of colds.


Low blood pressure, heart tension and dizziness are due to anemia. Pollen is the best nutriment for patients to recover and for persons suffering from great blood loss.

Heart disease, hypertension and strokes

Pollen has the ability to strengthen the heart. It can also prevent solidification of vessels, hypertension, and clogging of vessels. Rutin in pollen can reduce blood pressure to certain level, improve the strength of vessels and stop bleeding.


Pollen can cure many epidemic diseases, especially the hypersensitive dermatitis in children. It has fast effect. A test shows that some dermatitis which cannot be cured even after five years of treatment found pollen to be effective in two weeks and cured in a month.

Fair skins

Pollen contains Rutin Fe. It can continuously increase red blood cells, generating and sustaining soft and beautiful skins.


Pollen can help to get rid of the fats gathered under the skin, helps in respiration and excretion.

Sleeplessness and nervous diseases

Pessimistic, neurotic, sleeplessness, headache, forgetfulness and unable to concentrate are the few problems of tiredness and weakness of visual axis of brain center. Pollen can put things right after one week.

Pimples, pigmentations and freckles

Most skin sensitivities are due to lack of Riboflavin and Pyridoxine. Pollen has the substances required to correct the problems. Many females reduce food intakes drastically to reduce body weight or obesity, thus causing anemia, pale and dull face, lines and freckles on the face.

Menstrual problems

Pollen can render 90% successful rate in treating these problems.

Cancer and diabetes

Pollen contains “anti-ulcer elements” that can inhibit cancer. The enzymes in pollen help to regulate the high nutriments to prevent cancer, to maintain the body in alkaline state, thus rid of cancer. It can prevent accumulation of cholesterol; it is especially good for treating diabetes.

Healthier sperms

Norwegian government agency’s report confirms that it has the effect of strengthening sperms.

White hairs

Sulfur in pollen can reduce white hairs and grow black hairs. Effects can be seen after two months of continuous consumption of pollen.

Bad breath

Smoking can cause blood-vessels to solidify, dry and sore throat. Pollen can help to prevent solidification of blood-vessels. It has sterilization effects and can get rid of bad breath and drunkenness.

Pollen has to be tested personally to realize its usefulness. It does not act directly on illnesses, but helps the body cells to do so. It takes at least a week to feel the effects of pollen. Thus, one must have faith and keep on taking until his/her body cells are rectified to get rid of his/her ailments.
(Abstracted from About Pollen as Food, An Introduction to Pollen)

Reports by Experts

Report 1

As early as in 1957, a French doctor presented a paper on pollen to the medical field. After about two tones of pollen was used for research, pollen is placed as top nutriment.
It is proved that pollen is especially good for anemia in children. It can also revitalize strength and give new lives to aged people. It is effective for constipation, poisonous gases in intestines and stomach, ailment of large intestines and diarrhea. Besides, having inhibiting ability to illnesses, it is also effective in curing early aging, cerebral hemorrhage, anemia, enterogastritis, weak body, reduced body weight, poisoning, constipation, etc. Some people are still suspicious of pollen, but it is undeniable that the vitamins, minerals, Amino Acid and other elements in it can do wonders.
(Abstracted from Imperial Chinese Herb Medicine and Pharmaceutical Outline, Volume 6, Health Care Page 499)

Report 2

In 1960, a Swedish specialist Dr. E. Asoka Mubaluhu of Websala University reported that pollen is effective for curing Prostatitis. Prostatitis is a disease of the reproduction organs common in adults and is very difficult to cure. In 1962, an experiment showed that 80% of the 100 Prostatitis patients were cured.
A report from Japan by Dr. Chiteng of Nagasaki Medical University also proved the effectiveness of pollen in curing Prostatitis. The report says: “Prostatitis needs long period of medical treatment and tends to reappear just when it is getting better. But with the use of pollen, the result is fast and has a success rate of more than 80% in curing/”

Report 3

The Rutin in pollen helps to strengthen blood-vessels, prevents clog-ups and opens up blood veins. It thus can strengthen the heart, helps to solidify blood and prevent bleeding.
(Abstracted from Imperial Chinese Herb Medicine and Pharmaceutical Outline, Volume 6, Health Care Page 498)

Report 4

Dr. G. J. Benz, a pollen specialist, reported that pollen itself is perfect nutriment. From the numerous researches done, the most important fact is that pollen does not have side effects nor can do harms to the human body even long term of over-doses of it.
(Abstracted from Imperial Chinese Herb Medicine and Pharmaceutical Outline, Volume 6, Health Care Page 497-498)

Report 5

In 1951, Dr. Chauvin and Dr. Lenormand reported that pollen contains antibiotic elements and growth elements. The antibiotic elements stop Escherichia Coli and Salmonella form generating. The growth promoters help the growth of bacteria beneficial to digestion to improve the digestive efficiencies of stomach and intestines.

Report 6

In 1971, Dr. Georgieva and Dr. Vasilen reported their results from their experiment in treating stomach ulcer. They put 40 patients into two groups. Some of them are with slight stomach ulcer problems and some are with much serious problems like passing black stool. One of the groups took only normal homeostasis treatments and the other group took two teaspoons of pollen per day beside the normal treatments. It was found that the second group stopped bleeding within the second to the fourth day, whereas the first group did not stop bleeding until the tenth day. (Abstracted from Time Magazine, 280 issue)