Monday, June 30, 2008

The Law of Attraction

Last week
Shunag Hor System Leader Mr. Ku Cheng Chung Had a wonderful seminar at the Wisma Shuang Hor.

He mentioned about the book "the Secret" that made him what he is today

and it had inspired the whole crowd and even congratualed us for attending the meeting.

Then few days ago Diamond Abang Din shared with us this wonderful video that inspired everyone and it was a wonderful video that should be seen by everyone who wants to make a difference in his or her life! The music is amazing~!

The Law of Attraction Part 1

Very motivational Quotes

"Run Towards your Fears, Embrace them"
"Get out of the Stands, Get into the Court"

"When someone does something good, applaud! you will make two people Happy"

Law of Attraction Part 2

The energy you send out to the universe, is what you attract back into your life

The Law of Attraction
1. Ask
2. Belive
3. Receive

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