Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Role of Lingzhi in the immune War

The immuno modulation functions of Yung Kien Ganoderma supplement the four strategies in the immune war in the following manners: 

1) Eliminate the enemies at the first instant: Yung Kien Ganoderma is capable for promoting the vitality of the natural killer cells by 100% and elevating their ability to engulf viruses by 80%

2) Replenish enough immune cells fast: Yung Kien Ganoderma is capable of facilitating a reinforcement of combatant immune cells in the first line of defence by promoting the proliferation of T cells and B cells, which are combatant immune cells in the second line of defence, to elevate the combat capability by 50%

3) Avoid over-reactions of the immune cells: In an immune ware, T cells are the ones that tend to show excessive response. In this respect, Yung Kien Ganoderma can specifically modulate the functions of the T cells, as it contains Ganoderic acids that possess the ability to inhibit the differentiation of Th2 cells, while its another effective constituent polysaccharide peptide is capable of enhancing the vitality of Th1 cells.

Clinical experiments have also shown that Ganoderic acids can inhibit the aggregation of allergy-related cells. It has also been found that the great majority of the victims were at the prime of their lives, meaning people who normally had a strong immune system. Because of the excessive strength of the immunity, confusion tends to arise among the immune cells, including T cells, natural killer cells, and phagocytes, prompting them to attack even healthy cells, especially those in the lungs. However, Yung Kien Ganoderma is capable of retaining the vitality and normal functions of natural killer cells and phagocytes even under the excitation of allergens.

This is achieved through inhibiting the differentiation of Th2 cells, thus enabling normal identification functions to effectively subdue the activities of allergens. Th2 cells are mostly directly linked to many autoimmune diseases, such as atopic dermatitis (more commonly known as eczema), lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, asthma, hyperthyroidism, muscular dystrophy, scleroderma (hardening of the skin), and pollen allergy.

This happens due to the indiscriminate labelling by Th2 cells, which trigger a series of very complicated immune reactions , prompting our immune system to start waging attacks against our skin and other organs. The treatment of these diseases invariably involves prescriptions characterised by long courses of steroids, which will eventually inflict severe damage to the liver and kidneys, causing the symptom of oedema on the face.

Lingzhi can contribute in no small ways to reduce these adverse effects as well as protect the liver and kidneys. As such, the consumption of Lingzhi not only helps beef up the inherent resistance of Th1 cells but also inhibit the activities of autoimmune Th2 cells, giving what we call dual regulatory functions.

4)Produce antibodies fast:
Yung Kien Ganoderma is capable of inducing B cells to produce even more antibodies. While B cells are limited to a certain number, the number of antibodies can be multiplied in terms of millions.

As a complete health food, how should Yung Kien Ganoderma be consumed?

1) Prevention is definitely better than cure: It should be consumed on a regular basis ( 8 to 12 capsules a day), so that your immune system can be fine-tuned to a tip-top condition.

2) In the event of a viral infection, by all means increase the consumption amount (15 to 20 capsules a day), as Ganoderic acid is capable of subduing the proliferation of viruses, including flu viruses.

3) In the case of people with excessive immune response, in order to achieve the end of modulating the functions of T cells, the consumption should be increased to at least 20 capsules a day ( and to be consumed within an hour). It is only by doing so that the excessively strong immune T cells can be tamed.

4) Upon recovery, do not stop the consumption, as these might still be hidden viruses in the body that have yet to be completely flushed out. Only by continuing with the consumption that all residual traces of  viruses can be effectively eliminated

During the consumption of Lingzhi, is it still necessary for us to supplement it with other health care products?

Yes, it is. This is because certain essential amino acids and vitamins in these products can help increase the solubility of macro molecular polysaccharides peptide in Yung Kien Ganoderma, thus speeding up absorption and utilization by the body. In this respect, Pollen is an ideal source.

Triterpenoids are the most important effective constituent in Yung Kien Ganoderma for the Ganoderic acids they contain, which are the yardstick to determine the overall effective constituent content of Lingzhi products. The product has been award two health food accreditations for its immuno modulation functions and liver protection functions. The third health food accreditation has been awarded to Yung Kien Ganoderma-D on ageing retardation functions. A forth health food accreditation (on allergy improvement functions) to be awarded is currently pending approval by the health authorities of Taiwan. These products have been researched and developed specifically for people who need products with a high content of Ganoderic acids as a key component of the effective constituents in Lingzhi.

Though Yung Kien Ganoderma is not a vaccine, it provides all-round immune function strategies, making it the more effective immune modulation health food and weaponry with the highest potential in the human immune war.

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